Dr Christian LloydDr Christian Lloyd, the BISC’s Academic Director, is writing a new guidebook to the Castle, co-authored by Dr Steven Bednarski from the University of Waterloo. (Many you will remember Steven from the BISC Alumni Mini Lecture Series, when he gave a fascinating virtual lecture on his ambitious augmented reality reconstruction of the medieval Sussex village of Northeye last year.)

Now that the Castle has been running as Queen’s UK campus for over a quarter of a century, the new book will have a substantial chapter on student and faculty life over that period, and we need your help! We are looking for your impressions of life and study at the Castle while you were here, so are hoping that you might find old letters or emails you wrote home, photos you took, videos you made, or particularly nostalgic diary entries etc.

Any material we use will be covered by an ethics review and permission form, so you will be absolutely clear on how your submission will be stored and published. With your permission, we would also like to add all material we receive to the Castle Archive, to help build our institutional history for future generations of Castle Kids.

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