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Heritage Award Winner Bronwyn Jaques

Bronwyn Jaques, a PhD student in Cultural Studies, traveled to Queen’s Park on February 23 to accept a Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage “Excellence in Conservation” Award for her role in producing the oral history “In Our Own Words: The Links between Kingston’s Heritage and its Penitentiaries”, a project that seeks to understand how penitentiaries h

Message from Dean Barbara Crow

The Faculty of Arts and Science is a scholarly community built upon freedom of inquiry and expression and the equality and dignity of all persons. As Dean, I wish to emphasize our commitment to diversity and inclusion and to assert the importance of non-discriminatory treatment on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.

Hillary Lia - Finalist for the (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award

Hillary Lia - a third year undergraduate student in the Biomedical Computing Honour's Program, and the youngest of all nominees - has been named as Finalist for the Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. Her research pertains to development of novel methods for computational surgical skill assessment and transla