Advising (PASS)

Student advising another student

Peer Academic Support Service (PASS) is an academic advising service designed specifically to assist first-year students in their transition into university and to promote academic success. The PASS team is made up of upper-year student volunteers, and regardless of their own area of study, all Peer Advisors are trained to address questions concerning any program within the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Please note: PASS advising is only available to students in their first year of study in Arts and Science.

Connect with a PASS Advisor for help with:

  • Navigating SOLUS
  • Adding/dropping courses
  • Using the Arts and Science Academic Calendar
  • Understanding academic policies and deadlines
  • Choosing degree programs, plans, and courses
  • Summer term studies
  • Referrals to other Queen’s resources and support services


Connect with a PASS advisor

  • Questions about Plan Selection? Head to the Plan Selection page for information on navigating the process, making wise choices, and how to get help if you need it. 
  • Email advising: Students in their first year of study in Arts and Science are welcome to email questions to Please include your full name, student number, and the degree program that you’ve been admitted to. 
  • Daily drop-in advising via Zoom: Incoming first-year students can access PASS Zoom advising on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from June 10th to July 18th, 1 pm to 3 pm EDT.