basketball on a court

A slam dunk for charity

The Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) is hosting its first-ever Artsci Cup 2023, which is a chance for Arts students and Science students to do battle on the court for charity.

The charity ASUS is working with is the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), a charity that funds groundbreaking cancer research into all types of cancer, offers support services to help people better manage life with cancer, shape healthy public policies to prevent cancer, support those living with the disease, and offer trusted cancer information for all Canadians.

“As a long-time ASUS partner, we are lucky to be able to work with CCS on this event,” says ASUS president Yara Hussein, adding student engagement is critical to making a fund-raising idea like this work. “Students are receptive to working with charities if there is a unique or fun component. Then other students see the work they are doing and want to join in. That enthusiasm fosters a real community building aspect to our events.” Tryouts were held earlier this year and Hussein reports more than 100 students tried out. After careful deliberation, 15 of the top science and 15 of the top arts students were selected to compete on the court for bragging rights and funds for CCS.

“It was nice to see a different demographic of students trying out – some new faces who don’t typically volunteer at our events,” says Hussein. “While a lot of fun, this game will also provide more information about ASUS and the work we do on campus. Students also designed the jerseys, so this provided another level of engagement.”

As a Science student, Hussein’s loyalties obviously lie with the Science team but she is also hoping this new event can foster a whole new level of camaraderie. To purchase tickets and learn more about the event and purchase tickets, visit the ASUS webpage.