
For website administrators and editors

Before publishing new content on behalf of Queen’s on the world wide web, please review the following resource list and information about standards and best practices.

In this site:

Other Queen's guides, standards and learning resources


Brand Central

A place to learn about and find resources in support of the Queen’s University brand, including visual identity and writing style.

Find guidelines and tools at Brand Central

Image Bank

Search, download, preview, and share digital assets for your marketing and communication projects. This image library is available to employees (faculty staff, and student employees).

Go to the Image Bank

Accessibility Hub

A central online resource helping members of the Queen's community meet their obligations to each other and under the AODA.

Go to the Accessibility Hub

Streaming Services

Use the Streaming Service to host video and audio files. Includes captioning tools for accessibility.

Learn more about the streaming service

LinkedIn Learning


An online learning platform with thousands of high-quality courses, offering training on topics such as software, technology, and creative skills.

Log into LinkedIn Learning with your NetID


All video and audio files hosted by or on behalf of Queen's must be compliant with accessibility legislation. This means adding some sort of text equivalent of spoken words through captions, transcripts, or description of the audio.

Learn more about video accessibility

Web Privacy

Refer to the Records Management and Privacy Office for information on web privacy, data collection, file naming, and taking and using images with consent.

Learn about privacy and the web


Siteimprove provides flexible reporting for accessibility compliance. It can also be used to identify broken links and spelling errors on your website.

Get started with Siteimprove