A summary of the changes that will be made to the WebPublish Academia, Basic, and Custom services the evening of February 27, 2024.

As a reminder, site owners in the Custom service level are encouraged to review the impact of these changes on their site by reviewing it in the Preview environment. You can access the preview version of your site beginning February 21, at https://wp3-prev.its.queensu.ca/[pubID] (without the square brackets). 

New Features

This release focused on the design of several new features to be implemented in future releases: a non full-width slider, a text column card (similar to the column card, but without an image), and a course content type with aggregator page. Stay tuned to use these exciting new features in the future!


  • Queen's Gazette feed paragraph updated to work with the relaunched Gazette site
  • Adjusted heading level in site branding and accordion paragraphs to be more consistent semantically based on how they're actually used
  • Updated Twitter icon to X icon in social media footer icons
  • Hid legacy tags on event content type
  • Moved indent buttons in WYSIWYG editor to list grouping
Article Category